First Name: James Archibald "J.A."
Last Name: Ferguson
Sport: Harness Racing
Inductee Type: Builder
Year Inducted: 1981
Home Town: Florence
County: Cape Breton County

James Archibald Ferguson was instrumental in establishing the sport of harness racing in Cape Breton. Extremely active from 1948-1978, Ferguson was the prime mover in the formation of the Cape Breton Turf Club, which has operated harness racing since 1948.

Known to many people as the “Father of Modern Harness Racing in Cape Breton” Ferguson is best known for his achievements as a track operator and promoter. Among his other contributions, he introduced night harness racing and the mobile gate start to encourage fan support. He also often purchased horses for resale in the local area to help spur the sport’s advancement.


• “Father of Modern Harness Racing in Cape Breton”
• Maritime Rep. on BOD of US Trotting Association
• JA Ferguson Pace race named for his contributions