A native Haligonian, Jack Thomas served as a leader in the development of track and field in Nova Scotia. In the latter part of the 1920s, Jack researched and compiled the province’s track and field records.
A former track and field athlete himself, Thomas won the bronze medal in the 440-yard in the 1925 Canadian Senior Men’s Track and Field Championships. In 1934, his Halifax Academy quarter-mile relay team established a Canadian Interscholastic record. In 1965, he was the winner of the Bill Haley Award for outstanding service to track and field athletes in Halifax.
As a basketball coach, Thomas compiled eleven city titles, eight provincial titles, two Maritime titles, and one Dominion title. He coached the first Maritime basketball team to capture a national title.
• Researched/compiled track/field records of NS
• HFX quarter mile team est. CDN Interschol. record
• Led 1st Maritime BBall team to capture nat. title