First Name: John
Last Name: MacGlashen
Sport: Canoeing
Inductee Type: Builder
Year Inducted: 1999
Home Town: Dartmouth
County: Halifax County

John MacGlashen, from Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, was instrumental in the development of canoeing in his province.

MacGlashen played a role in establishing Senobe Aquatic Club, Abenaki Aquatic Club, Cheema Aquatic Club, Masqua Aquatic Club, Orenda Canoe Club, Pisiquid Aquatic Club, Beaver Canoe Club, Milo Aquatic Club, Marion Bridge Canoe Club, and Kennebecasis Canoe Club (in St. John, New Brunswick). He also founded and became the first president of the Society for Canoe Championships, which was established to organize, promote, and operate major canoe/kayak competitive championships on behalf of the Atlantic Division of the Canadian Canoe Association.

Because of MacGlashen’s efforts, Dartmouth has become recognized as the “Canoe Centre of Canada.” The International Canoe Federation has recognized the Society for Canoe Championships as a ranked international organizer of championships and one of the greatest natural resources for canoe championships in the world. Dartmouth has hosted 14 national and international championships since the Society’s beginning.

He was inducted into the Nova Scotia Sport Hall of Fame in 1999. MacGlashen passed away on June 27, 2014 at age 93.


• Official 1st North AM Canoe Championships ’61
• 1970 Founder Society for Canoe Championships
• 1st President of Society for Canoe Championships
• Board of Directors Society for Canoe Championships
• Maritime Flag Officer Atlantic Division of CCA ’72
• Served 3 Years on National CCA Board
• 1949-1954 Assistant Manager NS Cdn Football League
• Helped Create the Atlantic Bowl
• 1957-61 President Maritime Canadian Football Union
• Served in Royal Canadian Navy until 1945
• Graduated Honours from Maritime Business College
• Accountant Liquid Carbonic Cdn Corporation
• Reporter with Halifax Chronicle and Star
• Part-time Reporter Dartmouth Free Press