Judge J. Elliot Hudson has made a great contribution to various sports in Nova Scotia, particularly hockey. Born in St. John, New Brunswick, Judge Hudson moved to Glace Bay as a youngster and later to Halifax where he initiated his hockey contributions.
While attending King’s College, Hudson played for the intermediate hockey team (1921-1923), which he later managed. From 1928 to 30, he coached the King’s senior hockey team.
In 1938, Hudson started an eight-year term as president of the Halifax Senior Hockey League. While serving in this capacity, he became the founder and president of the Halifax Minor Hockey Association in 1940. He held the position of vice-president of the Maritime Amateur Hockey Association from 1940 to 43 and stayed on as president from 1943 to 45.
In 1967, Hudson was presented with the CAHA Meritorious Awardan honour for those who have served amateur hockey faithfully. His name is also included in the Hockey Hall of Fame in Toronto.
• Played for/coached/managed UKing’s hockey team
• Presented with the CAHA Meritorious Award
• Name in Hockey Hall of Fame in Toronto