Muriel Fage sees the entire picture in the smallest details and approaches projects with a business perspective, a smile, and a positive attitude. Fage has almost 30 years of experience as an organizer of high-profile events. She has been involved in the 1980 Halifax Labatt Brien, the 1992 Scott Tournament of Hearts, and the 2005 Scottish Ladies Tour to Atlantic Canada. Her dedication to the world of curling locally, provincially, nationally, and internationally has been phenomenal.
Muriel began curling in 1977 at the Dartmouth Curling Club. As an athlete, Muriel loved the sport, winning numerous titles and championships. However, she recognized an opportunity for the sport to grow within Nova Scotia and joined the Nova Scotia Ladies Curling Association as its director of funding, beginning a long and valuable career as an organizer. The year 1992 was busy for Muriel. She chaired the Synerlogic Curling Classic Bonspiel, the Victoria General Curling Classic Bonspiel, and the Scott Tournament of Hearts.
Muriel passed away on February 4th, 2008.
The 1992 Scott Tournament of Hearts was her first time chairing an event of that size. Halifax was awarded the tournament in 1990 so there were two years of planning. In the end, they raised $100,000 in a city that wasn’t exactly known as a hotbed for curling. Most of the tournament’s success can be attributed to Muriel’s involvement. She created a school program, where curling was studied as an entire unit in the classroom. She easily recruited over 500 volunteers to help organize and run the event.
Since the Scott Tournament, Muriel has co-chaired the MT&T Curling Classic Bonspiel in 1993 and 1994, has been a member of the executive committee of the 1995 Halifax Brier, has been on the Canadian Curling Association Board of Directors, chaired the International Committee for the Canadian Curling Association traveling to France, Norway, and Germany, attended numerous international events representing the World Curling Association.
Despite critical health concerns, including cancer and hip surgery, Muriel has always continued to do her job and enjoy life. Although she has had many roles throughout her life, she has spent most of her time promoting curling and has always had a love for the sport. She is just as happy at come teaching one person how to curl as she is running a national event.
• Helped Organize 1980 Halifax Labatt Brier
• Helped Organize 1992 Scott Tournament of Hearts
• Helped Org 2005 Scottish Ladies Tour Atlantic CA
• Began Curling 1977 Dartmouth Curling Club
• Director Funding NS Ladies Curling Association
• Chaired Synerlogic Curling Classic Bonspiel
• Chaired Victoria General Curling Classic Bonspiel
• Chaired 1992 Scott Tournament of Hearts
• Co-Chaired MT&T Curling Classic Bonspiel ’93 & ’94
• Member Executive Committee 1995 Halifax Brier
• Canadian Curling Association Board of Directors
• Chaired Int’l Committee Cdn Curling Association