First Name: Robie
Last Name: Davison
Sport: Baseball
Inductee Type: Athlete
Year Inducted: Original
Home Town: Halifax
County: Halifax County

Robie Davison was from Halifax, Nova Scotia. He was one of the greatest pitchers that ever developed in Canada before the turn of the century. He started on the Halifax Wanderers and for the Halifax Standards from 1885 until 1902. Davison was one of the best strikeout pitchers in the league.

In fact, his record proves that he was probably the best pitcher of that time. Davison and John “Jocko” Flinn alternated on the mound in 1889. Flinn won 21 games for Chicago when they won the National League Pennant in 1896.

Robie Davison would frequently pitch against, and defeat teams that were composed of former major league stars. Davison is an Original Nova Scotia Sport Hall of Fame Inductee.


• 1 of the greatest pitchers developed in Canada
• Played Halifax Wanderers and Standards, 1885-1902
• One of the best strikeout pitchers in the league