Kentville, Liverpool, and Yarmouth were all strong baseball towns, but none were more inspiring to other Nova Scotian towns than the Springhill teams. Famous for mining and mining disasters, it may be difficult for Nova Scotian youngsters today to realize that during the 1920s, 30s, and 40s, Springhill was better known for its baseball team, the Fencebusters.
With teams composed of almost all miners, the Fencebusters were provincial champions in 1921, 22, 25, 27, 28, 33, ’36, and 45. The great teams of the 1920s and 30s were paced by stars like Ackie Allbon and Hank O’Rourke the tough catcher who refused to wear padding because he said it hampered his style. Over 3,000 people would attend the Fencebusters’ games, with Springhill having a population of only 6,000.
Members of the 1927-28 team: Alfie (Ackie) Allbon, George (Brownie) Burden, James Conway (manager), Frank Cranton, Ed Emberley, Jack Fraser, Leslie (Red) Gallagher, Albert Gibson, Fred Hawker, Doug Lorimer, Stew McLeod, Charles Merlin (trainer), Neil Noiles (mascot), Fred O’Brien, James (Hank) O’Rourke, C. (Zeddy) Welton, (Big) Bill Wilson.
Members of the original 1921 team: George (Brownie) Burden, John Caulfield, Ed Emberley, Leslie (Red) Gallagher, Fred Hawker, Billy McKay, Charlie Merlin (trainer), Charlie Murray (manager), James (Hank) O’Rourke, Emerson Rideout, John Rideout, Herb (Skimp) Rushton, Bob Smith, (Big) Bill Wilson.
• NS Senior Baseball Champions: 1927, 28 and 45
• 1927 pitcher, Lloyd Sterling, made the big leagues
• First club to win 2 consecutive Maritime titles