Thank you for joining us for our second annual virtual fun run around Nova Scotia! Participants of every age, every fitness level, and every corner of the province (and beyond) helped us raise $1.090 for our Future Hall of Famers Education Program.
Together we completed 2.5 victory laps around the province and accumulated more than 6,000 km!

Stay tuned for Victory Lap 2022!

The Concept

  • A virtual event by the Nova Scotia Sport Hall of Fame that offers participation by donation (pay-what-you-can), with all proceeds going to the Hall of Fame’s Future Hall of Famers Education Program
  • Participants can run/walk/track their steps to complete kms, with the goal of collectively accumulating enough kms to go all the way around Nova Scotia as many times as possible– the ultimate victory lap!
  • The previous Victory Lap event took place for the entire month of May, 2021.
  • Participants can follow along with the virtual milestones, set their own individual goals, and log their own progress
  • This is a great opportunity to stay active and motivated as part of a team of participants while still maintaining safe social distancing. And it’s an opportunity to celebrate Nova Scotia and our great sport history, while helping us continue to offer free education programming across the province.

The Route and Milestones

Victory Lap is a virtual route around Nova Scotia that is based on an actual set of walking routes mapped on Google Maps. The total length, and our collective running/walking goal, is 2,485 km. The route begins in downtown Halifax, travels through Truro, around the top of the Bay of Fundy, to Amherst, along the Northumberland Strait, through Antigonish, clockwise around Cape Breton, down the Eastern shore, passing through the Metro area, continuing down the Annapolis Valley and onwards to Yarmouth, then around the South Shore, finishing back in Halifax. Check out the map below, along with a list of milestones to set as your own personal goals!

About the Cause

The Future Hall of Famers Education Program is aimed at inspiring and motivating our youth by sharing stories of our sport heroes, free of charge, year-round. We travel the province far and wide to send positive messages of goal setting, overcoming obstacles, triumph and defeat. After hearing these stories, we hope our youth will believe that anything is possible, even if you come from a small province like Nova Scotia. We are very fortunate to have our sport heroes work with us on this initiative because it’s about more then sport. It’s about the life skills that you need to succeed and the power of positive thinking.

The current program is tailored for grades 4 to 8 but can be catered to meet the needs for different age groups. We have made over 325 curriculum connections in our pre- and post-visit activities that help teachers fit our program into their classroom objectives.

Visit our website for more information on all our education program offerings.

#VictoryLap2021           @nsshf